Dinner dates done right | Keep your promises #abandoned #thetourist #lost_souls #new_friends #twistedtea @twistedtea

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Meitene sāka regulāri nest viņam ēdienu. Viņš bija tik vientuļš, ka praktiski bija atteicies no visiem labumiem, ko var saņemt no dzīves. Tomēr pēc tikšanās ar Lesliju, arī viņa dvēselē kaut kas mainījās.

Lunch with a friend #thetourist #abandoned #lost_souls #new_friends #twistedtea @twistedtea

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Viešņa nolēma, ka Lourensam noteikti jāpalīdz ar mājiņas  remontu. Viņas priekšā bija cilvēks, kuram šajā pasaulē atlicis dzīvot ne visai daudz. Leslija vēlējās, lai mūža pēdējos gadus Lourenss pavadītu mājīgā un komfortablā atmosfērā. Viņa pieaicināja dažus draugus un radiniekus. Kopīgiem spēkiem viņi visi sāka savest kārtībā mājiņu.

Promises kept. || an update on my friend – he is in good spirits and is very happy to have some room in his home. I’ve managed to remove his old fridge, stove, and chest freezer, along with numerous bags of garbage and other content. This was all made possible by a very generous company and a few awesome boys with big hearts and strong lower backs. I can’t thank everyone enough for their support and generosity during this period in my life – and in his. He is beyond grateful, not just to me. He knows you are all following his story 🙂 After a few recent visits to the doctors, it’s apparent that his health is declining, rapidly. These may be the last few months I have with my friend and I plan to make them as comfortable and enjoyable for him as possible. He’s informed me of his funeral arrangements and has asked me to be there. I told him I wouldn’t have it any other way. He shared something with me that will stay with me forever. He said the day I showed up was the best day of his life. As self righteous as I feel writing that, I understand how he feels. The best day of my life was when I met him. He gave me the chance to really do something for someone – an act of kindness with no expectation of reward. It’s a rare opportunity and I’m glad I was able to accept the challenge. – xo #thetourist #new_friends #lost_souls

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Kādā no sarunām vīrietis palūdza, lai Leslija noteikti ir klāt viņa bērēs. Meitene atbildēja, ka nu viņa nepametīs viņu līdz galam. Un tad viņi atzinās viens otram, ka viņu tikšanās diena viņiem ir bijusi ļoti nozīmīga.

Happy birthday Lawrence!!! ?? . #TheTourist #HappyBirthday #ValentinesDay

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No vienas puses Lourenss beidzot varēja atbrīvoties no savas vientulības. Bet Leslija izlēma, ka var palīdzēt viņam pilnīgi nesavtīgi, tikai tāpēc, ka pats saskarsmes process ar šo cilvēku viņai dāvā prieku.

Arī pēc mājokļa remonta Leslija un Lourenss turpināja tikties. Viņš stāstīja viņai par savu dzīvi, bet viņa nesa viņam gardumus, un reizēm ņēma līdzi arī suni, kas arī priecēja Lourensu.

Well it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about this handsome fella so I figured I’d give everyone following his story an update. After a prolonged stay at two different hospitals after his last stroke, Lawrence is now living at a local retirement home and doing much better. He’s safe and warm and seems to be fairly happy to be around some new people, although I know he misses home. I bring my dog Violet with me when I go for my visits, and she has now become a favourite around the home and she seems to enjoy herself thoroughly (indulging in yet another cookie as seen above). His birthday is coming up shortly (Valentines day) and we can’t wait to celebrate with him, properly… With less pastry for the puppy. ???? #thetourist

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Happy birthday To this young fella ?? #Valentinesday #birthday

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Leslija nolēma padalīties ar šo stāstu cerībā, ka tas iedvesmos cilvēkus darīt labu. Meitene uzskata, ka pasaulē nav patīkamākas sajūtas  par to, ko viņa juta, palīdzot Lourensam.